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Nursery and School Charges

Affordable Excellence

We are trying to make private education more affordable for the people of Urmston and the surrounding areas. You can give your child a great start in life for less than you may think, whilst still achieving excellent results. From Nursery to Pre-School to Prep, your child will be nurtured into an individual to be proud of. 

Schedule of Charges for 2024/2025

Inc VAT where applicable*

Little Gems Nursery Charges (4 months - 3 Years)

Session Charges
Full day (7:30am to 5:30pm) £57
Monthly Charge (this is based on a full-time place) £1188 

Charges include all meals and snacks for your little ones. 

School Charges

Year Group Termly Charges 
Pre-School £3,195
Reception to Year 2 £3,195
Year 3 to Year 6 £3,390


Wraparound Care

Session Charges
Breakfast Club (from 7:45am) £4.00 per session
Breakfast Club (from 8:00am) £2.60 per session
After School Club (up to 6:00pm) £3.00 per half hour


About our Nursery and Pre-school Charges

We are pleased to offer funding for 9 months to 4 years old subject to eligibility and availability of places.

9 months & 2 year olds: Families can receive 15 hours of funded working parent childcare for children aged 2 years+. 

3 & 4 year olds: Families can receive 15 & 30 hours (for working parents) of funded childcare for children aged 3 years+.

Please click here for more information about our Nursery.

Additional Charges

We carefully structure our timetable to help parents maximise their 30 free hours of funding. However, in order to enjoy the full Preparatory School benefits, additional charges are made for specialist, high-quality teaching provision including dance, modern foreign languages (MFL), games, swimming and other specialist visitors. Additional charges also apply to those teaching hours which fall outside the minimum funding provision.


* Particulars of charges are contained within our terms and conditions, available here.