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Little Gems Nursery (4 months - 4years)


Choosing the right setting for your child during their early years is vital as this period is crucial for their development and preparation for the future. This is why we have created an environment that ensures children from as young as four months get the best possible start by working in partnership with parents. We recognise that raising a child is a balancing act, and everything we do, from flexible opening and closing hours to remaining open for 50 weeks of the year puts you and your family first.

Our approach centres on the child and is driven by our desire to see all children achieving their full potential in their own unique way. We believe that nurturing children’s individual interests helps them develop and grow - preparing them for an exciting and rewarding learning experience. 

To learn more about the Nursery experience at Abbotsford, register your interest below, and a member of our Admissions Team will get back to you shortly.