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The kindness elves visited this week.

The Kindness Elves have been  visiting Pre-School this week.  We measured them with sugar cubes and weighted them in chocolate and mini marshmellows.  They asked us to give them names, and after a class vote we chose Snowy and Suki.  They brought with them a "Little Jar of Kindnesses" and asked us to fill it with kind words and kind actions.  The many little slips of paper inside our jar show what lovely kind children we have in our class.  We learned about being kind to animals too, when the lady from Dog's Trust came to see us and in Woodland Play we made treats for the birds.  Then we thought about being kind to ourselves as we passed around the Kindness Stone.  The Kindness Elves have to return to Cloud 9 today but they have promised to pop in from time to time to see how we are getting on.
