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Events Calendar



Monday 4th                             Children return to school

Tuesday 5th                             Own clothes day for bonfire night

Monday 11th                           Remembrance service in school for children and staff

Wednesday 13th                      Great Athletes Event

Friday 15th                               Children in Need. Children can wear pyjamas, spotty clothes or Children in Need branded clothes

Monday 18th                           Anti bullying week. Children to wear odd socks on Monday 18th

Monday 18th                           Donations open for our Christmas Present Donations to those who won’t be getting a present (donations close on Friday 6th December) in partnership with The Salvation Army

Tuesday 19th                           Prep 4 – Manchester Museum trip

Tuesday 19th                           Prep 5 – cinema trip to watch Migration

Wednesday 20th                      Prep 6 football – The Grange

Friday 22nd                              Own clothes day for Chocolate and Bottle donations

Wednesday 27th                      Deadline for Christmas art competition – design your own bauble for our Christmas tree

Thursday 28th                          Prep 3 and 4 football at The Grange

Friday 29th                               Christmas Fair



Tuesday 3rd                             2pm Rock Steady Concert – parents and guardians welcome from 1.50pm for those children participating in Rock Steady lessons

Tuesday 10th                           Prep 6 to Crystal Maze

Tuesday 10th                           Preschool to prep 2 - Infants to the Lowry to see The Stickman

Wednesday 11th                      Preschool / Reception Nativity 2pm

                                                  Infant Nativity (prep 1 and 2) 5pm

Thursday 12th                          All Children - Christmas Jumper Day or party wear – children can wear a Christmas/winter jumper/party dress for the Christmas party

Friday 13th                               Christmas dance showcase – all children. Parents welcome at drop off to come in the hall for hot drinks and Christmas treats. Show to start at 9.15am

Friday 13th                               Junior craft morning – all Junior parents welcome to stay

Monday 16th                           Elf Walk

Monday 16th                           Carol Service rehearsal

Tuesday 17th                           Prep 1 to 6 St Michael’s Church Christmas Carol Service. Parents welcome at    11am and all children to be taken home after the church service at 12 noon. Preschool and reception to be collected from school at 12.30pm

                     School closes