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Creating and Exploring Culture

Abbotsford approaches culture from two angles. Firstly, we instil our own culture in our processes, staff, and students to create the best possible environment for learning and progressing through school. Secondly, we aim to provide our students with an understanding and appreciation of the culture of the wider world.

The school has a welcoming and caring ethos where everyone is valued, and achievements are celebrated. This ethos is nurtured through promoting appropriate conduct and manners at all times, so that children may develop responsible and productive attitudes towards school life. The development of a child’s full educational and social potential, closely supported by our attentive staff, is central to the school’s approach and implementation of teaching.

Educating beyond the curriculum, we believe a participatory experience is the best way to expose anyone to a new culture. Therefore, school visits to cultural, historical, geographical, and scientific sites are frequent, and involvement in a broad array of holiday celebrations are used to give our students a greater insight into the culture and traditions of Britain and other nations, civilisations, and religions, past and present.


"Pupils’ cultural development is excellent; they learn to understand and respect other faiths and cultures during RE lessons, and by visiting places of worship such as the local synagogue and mosque. Harmonious relationships between pupils from different cultures and faiths are evident in the school."

Ofsted inspection, 2014.